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abs( Float or Number absolute value of {expr}
add( List append
append( Number append
append( Number append lines
argc() Number number of files in the argument list
argidx() Number current index in the argument list
argv( String
argv( ) List the argument list
atan( Float arc tangent of
browse( put up a file requester
browsedir( String put up a directory requester
bufexists( Number TRUE if buffer
buflisted( Number TRUE if buffer
bufloaded( Number TRUE if buffer
bufname( String Name of the buffer
bufnr( Number Number of the buffer {expr}
bufwinnr( Number window number of buffer {expr}
byte2line( Number line number at byte count {byte}
byteidx( Number byte index of
call( {func}, {arglist} [, {dict}]) any call {arglist}
ceil( Float round
changenr() Number current change number
char2nr( Number ASCII value of first char in
cindent( Number C indent for line
clearmatches() none clear all matches
col( Number column nr of cursor or mark
complete( set Insert mode completion
complete_add( Number add completion match
complete_check() Number check for key typed during completion
confirm( Number number of choice picked by user
copy( any make a shallow copy of
cos( Float cosine of
count( Number count how many {expr} are in {list}
cscope_connection( [Number checks existence of cscope connection
cursor( Number move cursor to
cursor( Number move cursor to position in
deepcopy( any make a full copy of
delete( Number delete file
did_filetype() Number TRUE if FileType autocommand event used
diff_filler( Number diff filler lines about {lnum}
diff_hlID( Number diff highlighting at {lnum}/{col}
empty( Number TRUE if
escape( String escape {chars} in {string} with '\'
eval( any evaluate
eventhandler( ) Number TRUE if inside an event handler
executable( Number 1 if executable
exists( Number TRUE if
expand( {expr} [, {flag}]) String expand special keywords in
feedkeys( {string} [, {mode}]) Number add key sequence to typeahead buffer
filereadable( {file}) Number TRUE if {file} is a readable file
filewritable( {file}) Number TRUE if {file} is a writable file
filter( List/Dict remove items from
finddir( find directory
findfile( find file
float2nr( Number convert Float {expr} to a Number
floor( Float round
fnameescape( String escape special characters in {fname}
fnamemodify( String modify file name
foldclosed( Number first line of fold at
foldclosedend( Number last line of fold at
foldlevel( Number fold level at
foldtext( ) String line displayed for closed fold
foldtextresult( String text for closed fold at
foreground( ) Number bring the Vim window to the foreground
function( Funcref reference to function {name}
garbagecollect( [at_exit]) none free memory, breaking cyclic references
get( any get item
get( any get item
getbufline( List lines
getbufvar( any variable
getchar( [expr]) Number get one character from the user
getcharmod( ) Number modifiers for the last typed character
getcmdline() String return the current command-line
getcmdpos() Number return cursor position in command-line
getcmdtype() String return the current command-line type
getcwd() String the current working directory
getfperm( String file permissions of file
getfsize( Number size in bytes of file
getfontname( [ String name of font being used
getftime( Number last modification time of file
getftype( String description of type of file
getline( String line
getline( List lines
getloclist( List list of location list items
getmatches() List list of current matches
getpid() Number process ID of Vim
getpos( List position of cursor, mark, etc.
getqflist() List list of quickfix items
getreg( [ String contents of register
getregtype( [ String type of register
gettabwinvar( {name} in {winnr} in tab page {tabnr}
getwinposx() Number X coord in pixels of GUI Vim window
getwinposy() Number Y coord in pixels of GUI Vim window
getwinvar( any variable {varname} in window {nr}
glob( String expand file wildcards in {expr}
globpath( do glob({expr}) for all dirs in {path}
has( Number TRUE if feature
has_key( Number TRUE if
haslocaldir() Number TRUE if current window executed
hasmapto( Number TRUE if mapping to {what} exists
histadd( String add an item to a history
histdel( String remove an item from a history
histget( String get the item history
histnr( Number highest index of a history
hlexists( Number TRUE if highlight group
hlID( Number syntax ID of highlight group {name}
hostname() String name of the machine Vim is running on
iconv( String convert encoding of
indent( Number indent of line
index( Number index in
input( get input from the user
inputdialog( input() but in a GUI dialog
inputlist( Number let the user pick from a choice list
inputrestore() Number restore typeahead
inputsave() Number save and clear typeahead
inputsecret( {prompt} [, {text}]) String like input() but hiding the text
insert( List insert
isdirectory( Number TRUE if
islocked( Number TRUE if
items( List key-value pairs in
join( String join
keys( List keys in
len( Number the length of
libcall( String call
libcallnr( Number idem, but return a Number
line( Number line nr of cursor, last line or mark
line2byte( Number byte count of line {lnum}
lispindent( Number Lisp indent for line
localtime() Number current time
log10( Float logarithm of Float {expr} to base 10
map( List/Dict change each item in
maparg( rhs of mapping {name} in mode {mode}
mapcheck( check for mappings matching
match( Number position where {pat} matches in {expr}
matchadd( Number highlight
matcharg( List arguments of
matchdelete( Number delete match identified by
matchend( Number position where {pat} ends in {expr}
matchlist( List match and submatches of {pat} in {expr}
matchstr( {count}'th match of {pat} in {expr}
max( Number maximum value of items in
min( Number minimum value of items in
mkdir( Number create directory
mode( [expr]) String current editing mode
nextnonblank( Number line nr of non-blank line >=
nr2char( String single char with ASCII value
pathshorten( String shorten directory names in a path
pow( Float
prevnonblank( Number line nr of non-blank line <=
printf( String format text
pumvisible() Number whether popup menu is visible
range( List items from
readfile( List get list of lines from file
reltime( [ List get time value
reltimestr( String turn time value into a String
remote_expr( send expression
remote_foreground( Number bring Vim server to the foreground
remote_peek( Number check for reply string
remote_read( String read reply string
remote_send( send key sequence
remove( remove items
remove( any remove entry
rename( Number rename (move) file from
repeat( String repeat
resolve( String get filename a shortcut points to
reverse( List reverse
round( Float round off
search( {pattern} [, {flags} [, {stopline} [, {timeout}]]]) Number search for
searchdecl( Number search for variable declaration
searchpair( Number search for other end of start/end pair
searchpairpos( List search for other end of start/end pair
searchpos( {pattern} [, {flags} [, {stopline} [, {timeout}]]]) List search for
server2client( Number send reply string
serverlist() String get a list of available servers
setbufvar( set
setcmdpos( Number set cursor position in command-line
setline( Number set line
setloclist( Number modify location list using
setmatches( Number restore a list of matches
setpos( Number set the
setqflist( Number modify quickfix list using {list}
setreg( Number set register to value and type
settabwinvar( {tabnr}, {winnr}, {varname}, {val}) set {varname} in window {winnr} in tab page {tabnr} to {val}
setwinvar( set {varname} in window {nr} to {val}
shellescape( escape {string} for use as shell command argument
simplify( String simplify filename as much as possible
sin( Float sine of
sort( List sort
soundfold( String sound-fold
spellbadword() String badly spelled word at cursor
spellsuggest( List spelling suggestions
split( {expr} [, {pat} [, {keepempty}]]) List make List
sqrt( Float squar root of
str2float( Float convert String to Float
str2nr( Number convert String to Number
strftime( String time in specified format
stridx( Number index of
string( String String representation of
strlen( Number length of the String
strridx( Number last index of
strtrans( String translate string to make it printable
submatch( String specific match in ":substitute"
substitute( {expr}, {pat}, {sub}, {flags}) String all {pat} in {expr} replaced with {sub}
synID( Number syntax ID at {lnum} and {col}
synIDattr( attribute {what} of syntax ID {synID}
synIDtrans( Number translated syntax ID of {synID}
synstack( List stack of syntax IDs at {lnum} and {col}
system( String output of shell command/filter
tabpagebuflist( [ List list of buffer numbers in tab page
tabpagenr( [ Number number of current or last tab page
tabpagewinnr( Number number of current window in tab page
taglist( List list of tags matching {expr}
tagfiles() List tags files used
tempname() String name for a temporary file
tolower( String the String lowercase
toupper( String the String uppercase
tr( String translate chars of
trunc( Float truncate Float {expr}
type( Number type of variable
values( List values in
virtcol( Number screen column of cursor or mark
visualmode( [expr]) String last visual mode used
winbufnr( Number buffer number of window {nr}
wincol() Number window column of the cursor
winheight( Number height of window {nr}
winline() Number window line of the cursor
winnr( [ Number number of current window
winrestcmd() String returns command to restore window sizes
winrestview( none restore view of current window
winsaveview() Dict save view of current window
winwidth( Number width of window {nr}
writefile( Number write list of lines to file