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#!/usr/bin/env python

# Refer
#   Documentation: https://github.com/wackywendell/fpath
#   Source code: https://github.com/wackywendell/fpath/blob/master/fpath.py

  import fpath
except ImportError:
  import ck
  fpath = ck.refs.fpath

Path = fpath.Path

p = Path("dir1/dir2/dir3/prefix.middle.extension")

print p
# /dir1/dir2/dir3/prefix.middle.extension

for part in p:
  print part

# /
# dir1
# dir2
# dir3
# prefix.middle.extension

print p + "further/down/the/rabbit/hole"
# dir1/dir2/dir3/prefix.middle.extension/further/down/the/rabbit/hole

# Same as above
print p + ("further", "down", "the", "rabbit", "hole")
# dir1/dir2/dir3/prefix.middle.extension/further/down/the/rabbit/hole

  print p + "/further/down/the/rabbit/hole"
except StandardError, e:
  print "Expected an exception:", e

# You can't code this syntax though.
  print p + ("/", "further", "down", "the", "rabbit", "hole")
except StandardError, e:
  print "Expected an exception:", e

# extension
print p.extension
# extension

# Get last part of the path.
print p[-1]
# prefix.middle.extension

# dirname
print p[:-1]
# dir1/dir2/dir3

# os.path.isdir
print Path("/tmp").stat().isdir
# True
print Path("/tmp").stat().isfile
# False

# Walking
# You can't walk path objects.
# Call .transform() to get the Dir() or File() corresponding to that Path
# Dir objects have the walk attribute.
tmp = Path("/tmp").transform()
# It's kind of lame so use the os.walk variant instead.