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Clean Up

# Remove distfiles, tgz files,, logfiles, tempfiles, etc.
sudo port clean --all all

# Uninstall inactive versions
# sudo port -f uninstall inactive
sudo port uninstall inactive


To make python 2.7 the default (i.e. the version you get when you run python), please run:

sudo port select --set python python27

More Apps

Variants and info

port info git-core
# git-core @ (devel)
# Variants:             bash_completion, [+]credential_osxkeychain, [+]doc, gitweb, [+]pcre, python26, [+]python27, svn, universal

# Description:          Git is a fast, scalable, distributed open source version control system focusing on speed and efficiency.
# Homepage:   

# Library Dependencies: perl5.12, curl, zlib, openssl, expat, libiconv, python27, pcre
# Runtime Dependencies: rsync, p5.12-error, p5.12-term-readkey
# Platforms:            darwin
# License:              GPL-2 LGPL-2.1+
# Maintainers:          [email protected]

port variants git-core
# git-core has the variants:
#    bash_completion: Completion support for bash
# [+]credential_osxkeychain: Install git credential-osxkeychain utility from contrib
# [+]doc: Install HTML and plaintext documentation
#    gitweb: Install gitweb.cgi
# [+]pcre
#    python26: Use Python 2.6
#      * conflicts with python27
# [+]python27: Use Python 2.7
#      * conflicts with python26
#    svn: Bi-directional subversion repository support
#    universal: Build for multiple architectures

Upgrading OS X

Ref: Migration

You will need to:

Shell commands

# Save the list of installed ports
port -q installed > installed_ports.txt
port -qv installed > installed_ports_with_versions.txt

# Uninstall all installed ports
sudo port -f uninstall installed

# Clean partially-completed builds
sudo port clean all

# Browse installed_ports_with_versions.txt and install the ones you
# want to restore.  Note that, because that file is in alphabetical
# order, and because deps are installed automatically, you may have to
# install some deps first if you've picked specific variants for them.


port installed
port installed | grep git
port list gdb

sudo port install git-core +svn +pcre +credential_osxkeychain +doc

sudo port -d destroot gdb

sudo port -f activate py26-distribute
sudo port -f activate redis
sudo port activate -f nginx @0.8.54_0+gzip_static+redis+ssl+status+upload+zip

sudo port select --set python python27
sudo port activate -f python @2.7
sudo port activate -f python2.7

sudo port -v install fuse-bindings-python
sudo port -v install fuse-bindings-python26
sudo port -v install procfs
sudo port -verbose install procfs

sudo port clean --all
sudo port clean --all all
sudo port clean vim-app

sudo port deactivate binutils

sudo port install MacVim +huge +cscope +lua +python27 +ruby20
sudo port install binutils +with_default_names
sudo port install coreutils +with_default_names
sudo port install findutils +with_default_names

sudo port uninstall ntfs-3g ntfsprogs

# Reset requested ports.
sudo port unsetrequested installed
sudo port setrequested port1 port2 …

# Reinstall ports that depend on a port "foo"
port -nR upgrade --force foo