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Vars for `--format``

--format performs interpolations in the string.

Default%(objectname) SPC %(objecttype) TAB %(refname)

For example, you can interpolate %(foo) from the object pointed at by a ref being shown.  If foo is prefixed with an asterisk (*) and the ref points at a tag object, the value for the field in the object tag refers is used.

It also interpolates %% to %, and %xx where xx are hex digits interpolates to character with hex code xx; for example %00 interpolates to \0 (NUL), %09 to \t and %0a to \n.

Name Description
refname The name of the ref (the part after $GIT_DIR/).  For a non-ambiguous short name of the ref append :short.  The option core.warnAmbiguousRefs is used to select the strict abbreviation mode.
objecttype The type of the object (blob, tree, commit, tag).
objectsize The size of the object (the same as git cat-file -s reports).
objectname The object name (aka SHA-1).  For a non-ambiguous abbreviation of the object name append :short.
upstream The name of a local ref which can be considered upstream from the displayed ref.  Respects :short in the same way as refname above.

For commit and tag objects, you can also specify:  tree, parent, object, type, and tag


# These two are equivalent
git for-each-ref --format '%(objectname)' -- 'refs/remotes/chirayu/presubmit*'
git rev-parse --glob='refs/remotes/chirayu/presubmit*'