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C-x ( – kmacro-start-macro
Use C-x ) to finish recording and make the macro available.
Use C-x e to execute the macro. After hitting C-x e to run it once, keep hitting just the 'e' key for repeated execution.
Use M-x kmacro-name-last-macro to give it a permanent name.
Use M-x kmacro-bind-to-key to bind it to a key sequence.

Appending to a macro

  • Non-nil arg (prefix arg) means append to last macro defined.
  • So, with C-u prefix, append to last keyboard macro defined.
  • Depending on `kmacro-execute-before-append', this may begin by re-executing the last macro as if you typed it again.
  • Otherwise, it sets kmacro-counter to ARG or 0 if missing before defining the macro.


  • Use M-x kmacro-insert-counter to insert (and increment) the macro counter.
  • The counter value can be set or modified via M-x kmacro-set-counter and M-x kmacro-add-counter.
  • The format of the counter can be modified via M-x kmacro-set-format.


key Description
C-x z Repeat most recently executed command.
C-x M-: Edit and re-evaluate last complex command (or arg-th from last.)
M-x list-matching-lines shows you all the lines in a buffer that match some regexp
M-t transpose-words. Use negative prefix to go the other way.
fill-paragraph (Alt-p) intelligently line-wraps your text for you: an absolute must, and it works inside source-code comments.
M-q “fills” (word-wraps) what you’re on. It honors comments, bulleted lists,
indentation, and other little things. I use it in programming modes to fill
comments and I use it in text, HTML, and GXP modes to automatically
split up long lines.
C-/ is Undo
M-/ expands the word you’re on (useful for long variable/function names)
C-c / / in HTML mode will close the last open tag
C-x p - p - runs p4 diff and shows you the results in an editable buffer
M-\ deletes all whitespace at the cursor location
M-space replaces all whitespace with one space
C-x C-o delete-blank-lines. Also see delete-trailing-whitespace, tabify, untabify, indent-region, etc.
M-m Jump to first non-blank character in line (use instead of C-a TAB.
M-x occur Display in a separate buffer the list of all lines in the current buffer that match a regex.
C-M-s Regular expression incremental search
M-% Query replace (M-x re-builder)
M-C-% Query regex replace (M-x query-replace-regex)
C-x r SPC register Record the position of point and the current buffer in register r (point-to- register).
C-x r j register Jump to the position and buffer saved in register r (jump-to-register).
C-s C-s Search for most recently searched item
C-s M-p Previous item in search history
C-s M-n Next item in search history
C-x n n Narrow buffer to the current region
C-x n w Restore ("widen") buffer
C-y Yanks last killed text
M-y Replace yanked text with previously killed text
C-w Kill region ("cut")
M-w Save region to kill ring without deleting ("copy")
M-z M-z (Zap), similar to df in vim, but can go to other lines
M-g g Jump to specified line
C-SPC Set mark to the current location
C-x C-x Swap point and mark
C-x r <SPC> Record the position of point and the current buffer in register
C-x r j Jump to the position and buffer saved in register

From Cool Keys in Emacs

File Handling Commands

key function Description
C-x C-f find-file Find a file and read it to screen.
C-x C-v find-alternate-file Read a different file.
C-x i insert-file Insert a file at the cursors position.
C-x C-s save-buffer Save the current buffer.
C-x C-w write-file Write the contents of the buffer to a file.
C-x C-c save-buffers-kill-emacs Save all open buffers and get out of emacs.
C-z suspend-emacs Suspend emacs.

Cursor Movement Commands

key function Description
C-f forward-char Move cursor one character.
C-b backward-char Move backward one character.
C-p previous-line Move up one line.
C-n next-line Move down one line.
M-f forward-word Move to the next word. (words are defined by whitespace/special characters.)
M-b backward-word Move to the previous word.
C-a beginning-of-line Move to the beginning of the line.
C-e end-of-line Move to the end of the line.
M-a backward-sentence Move back one sentence.
C-v scroll-up Scroll up one screen.
M-v scroll-down Scroll down one screen.
C-x [ backward-page Go back one page.
C-x ] forward-page Go forward one page.
M-> end-of-buffer Move to end of buffer.
M-< beginning-of-buffer Move to beginning of the current buffer.
C-l recenter Redraw the screen with the current line in the center.
M-(a number) digit-argument Do the next command (a number) of times.

Deletion Commands

key function Description
Del backward-delete-char Delete the previous character.
C-d delete-char Delete the character under the cursor.
M-Del backward-kill-word Delete the previous word.
C-k kill-line Delete from the cursor to the end of line.
M-k kill-sentence Delete the sentence the cursor is in.
C-x Del backward-kill-sentence Delete the previous sentence.
C-y yank Restore deleted text at cursor.
C-w kill-region Delete a marked region.
backward-kill-paragraph Delete the previous paragraph.
kill-paragraph Delete from the cursor to the end of the paragraph.

Paragraphs and Regions

key function Description
C-@ set-mark Mark the beginning (or end) of a region.
C-Space set-mark Ibid.
C-x C-p mark-page Mark the current page.
C-x C-x exchange-point-and-make Exchange the location of the cursor and the mark.
C-x h mark-whole-buffer Mark the current buffer.
M-q fill-paragraph Reset the paragraph.
M-g fill-region Reformat individual paragraphs with region.
M-h mark-paragraph Mark select paragraph.

Stopping and Undoing Commands

key function Description
C-g keyboard-quit Stop current command Now!
C-x u advertised-undo Undo the last edit (do it often)
revert-buffer Return the buffer to the state when last autosaved.

Transposition Commands

key function Description
C-t transpose-chars Transpose the two letters.
M-t transpose-words Switch two words.
C-x C-t transpose-lines Switch two lines.
transpose-sentences Switch two sentences.
transpose-paragraphs Switch two paragraphs.

Capitalization Commands

key function Description
M-c capitalize-word Capitalize the first letter of the current word.
M-u upcase-word Make the word all uppercase.
M-l downcase-word Make the word all lowercase.
C-x C-l downcase-region Make the region all lowercase.
C-x C-u uppercase-region Make the region all uppercase.

Incremental Search Commands

key function Description
C-s isearch-forward Start an incremental search forward.
C-r isearch-backward Starts an incremental search in the reverse direction.
C-w During isearch, adds the word following point to the search buffer.
C-y During isearch, adds the rest of the current line to the search buffer.
M-y Yank at isearch prompt
Meta Stop a successful search.
C-g keyboard-quit Stop searching and return to the starting point.
Del Delete an incorrect character whilst searching.

Word Abbreviation Commands

key function Description
abbrev-mode Enter abbreviation mode.
C-x - inverse-add-global-abbrev Type in a global abbreviation, then its meaning.
C-x C-h inverse-add-local-abbrev Type in a local abbreviation, then its meaning.
unexpand-abbrev Undo the last word abbreviation.
write-abbrev-file Write out the word abbreviation file.
edit-abbrevs Edit the current word abbreviations.
list-abbrevs View the current word abbreviations.
kill-all-abbrevs Kill any abreviations for this session.

Buffer Manipulation Commands

key function Description
C-x b switch-to-buffer Move to the specified buffer.
C-x C-b list-buffers Display the list of currently active buffers.
C-x k kill-buffer Kill the current buffer
kill-some-buffers Ask about deleting each buffer currently active.
rename-buffer Rename the current buffer to something else.
C-x s save-some-buffers Ask whether to save each modified buffer

Window Commands

key function Description
C-x 2 split-window-horizontally Divide the current window horizontally in two.
C-x 3 split-windws-vertically Divide the current window vertically in two.
C-x > scroll-right Scroll the window right.
C-x < scroll-left Scroll the window left.
C-x 0 delete-window Delete the current window.
C-x 1 delete-other-windows Delete all the windows except this one`.
delete-windows-on Delete all windows open to a particular buffer.
C-x ^ enlarge-window Make the current window taller.
shrink-window Make the current window smaller.
C-x } enlarge-window-horizontally Make the window wider.
C-x { shrink-window-horizontally Make the window less wide.
M-C-v scroll-other-window Scroll the other window.
C-x 4 f find-file-other-window Find a file in the other window.
C-x 4 b switch-to-buffer-other-window Select a buffer in the other window.
compare-windows Compare two buffers and show the first difference.

Special Shell Characters

key function Description
shell Start a shell.
C-c C-c interrupt-shell-subjob Terminate the current job in a shell.
C-c C-d send-shell-eof Send the EOF character (Ctrl-d)
C-c C-u kill-shell-input Erase the current line.
C-c C-w backward-kill-word Erase the previous word.
C-c C-z stop-shell-subjob Suspend the current shell job.

Indentation Commands

key function Description
C-x set-fill-prefix Prepend each line in paragraph with characters from beginning of the line
up to the current cursor column. cancel by doing this in column 1.
M-C-\ indent-region Indent a region to match the first line in region.
M-m back-to-indentation Move the cursor to first character in line.
M-C-o split-line Split line at cursor into two lines... weird.
fill-individual-paragraphs Reformat indented paragraphs, keep indentation.

Centering Commands

key function Description
M-s center-line Center the current line.
center-paragraph Center the paragraph that the cursor is on.
center-region Center the currently defined region.

Macro Commands

key function Description
C-x ( start-kbd-macro Start a new macro definition.
C-x ) end-kbd-macro End the current macro definition.
C-x e call-last-kbd-macro Execute the last defined macro.
M-(number) C-x e call-last-kbd-maco Do that last macro (number times).
C-u C-x ( stat-kbd-macro Execute last macro and add to it.
name-last-kbd-macro Name the last macro before saving it.
insert-last-keyboard-macro Insert the macro you made into a file.
load-file Load a file with macros in it.
C-x q kbd-macro-query Insert a query into a keyboard macro.
M-C-c exit-recursive-edit Get the hell out of a recursive edit.

Detail Information Help Commands

key function Description
C-h a command-apropos What commands work like this...?
apropos What functions and variables work like this...?
C-h c describe-key-briefly What command does this key sequence do?
C-h b describe-bindings What are the key bindings for this buffer?
C-h k describe-key What command does this sequence do, and tell me about it.
C-h l view-lossage What are the last 100 characters typed?
C-h w where-is What is the key binding for this?
C-h f describe-function What does this function do?
C-h v describe-variable What is this variable?
C-h m describe-mode Tell me about this mode.
C-h s describe-syntax What is the syntax table for this buffer?