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;; setq and setq-default

(setq inhibit-startup-message t
      mark-ring-max 256)

(setq-default transient-mark-mode t)

;;; Fancy ` and @ stuff
(setq-default ac-sources `(,@ac-sources ac-source-words-in-all-buffer))

;; Lists
(length "Hello, World")
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.xml\\'" . nxml-mode))

;; Tests
(null value)
(not value)
(boundp 'declare-function)
(fboundp 'menu-bar-mode)
(file-readable-p custom-file)
(file-exists-p custom-file)
(numberp 12)

;; Conditionals
(unless (eolp) (end-of-line))
(when window-system (require 'hexrgb))

;; Loops
(dolist (f ck-delete-frame-functions)
  (when (fboundp f) (funcall f)))

;; defmacro
(defmacro declare-function (fn file &optional arglist fileonly) nil)

;; defun, declare
(declare ck-set-gui-font (font-name &rest fallback-fonts))  ;; recursive call via apply needs this symbol defined.

(defun ck-first-non-empty (&rest values)
  "Returns the first non-empty param."
  (setq result nil
          rest values)
  (while (and (not-null rest)
          (or (null result) (string= result "")))
      (setq result (car rest)
            rest (cdr rest)))

;; Compound statements
(progn (setq a 1) (setq b 2))

;; Functions
(autoload 'markdown-mode "markdown-mode.el"
   "Major mode for editing Markdown files" t)
(expand-file-name "~chirayu")
(load-file custom-file)
(pymacs-call "ck.refs.default_environment_facade.browse_url" url)
(setenv "PATH" (concat "/opt/local/bin:" (getenv "PATH")))

;; Hooks
(add-hook 'auto-save-hook (lambda () (desktop-save-in-desktop-dir)))

;; Keys
(define-key global-map "(" 'skeleton-pair-insert-maybe)
(global-set-key "\M-p" 'ck-vim-map)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-b") 'ibuffer)
(global-set-key [delete] 'delete-char)

;; Available keys:
;;    M-p    M-c    M-t / C-t   M-u    M-i
;;    C-<digit>

;; My keymaps
;; Vim-ish keymap
(define-prefix-command 'ck-vim-map)
(global-set-key "\M-p" 'ck-vim-map)

(define-key ck-vim-map "l" 'lazy-search-menu)

;; Ignoring errors / exceptions
(ignore-errors (require 'color-theme))

;; Exception handling

;; Use `condition-case' because if `mb-depth.el' can't be found,
;; then `mb-depth+.el' is not provided.
    nil (require 'mb-depth+ nil t)
        (error nil))

(condition-case exception (progn
    (set-default-font font-name)
    (set-frame-font font-name)
    (setq default-frame-alist (append default-frame-alist `((font . ,font-name)))))
('error (if fallback-fonts
    (apply 'ck-set-gui-font fallback-fonts))))

;; Misc
(put 'narrow-to-region 'disabled nil)

(fset 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p)           ;replace y-e-s by y

(when window-system
  (mwheel-install) ;; enable wheelmouse support by default
  (set-selection-coding-system 'compound-text-with-extensions)) ;; use extended compound-text coding for X clipboard

(make-variable-buffer-local 'completion-popup-frame-parent-frame)

;; keywords
;; let
(let* ((a 1) (b 2)) (message "hello"))
;; funcall
;; message, error
;; defmacro 
;; defvar, defcustom, defgroup, 
;; save-excursion

(defconst ediff-ignore-similar-regions t)

;; Lists / Arrays / etc.

;; elt - access an element of a list.
(elt list-variable index)

;; Append
(setq default-frame-alist (append default-frame-alist `((font . ,font-name)))))

;; Test OS - windows / os x, etc.

(defvar mswindows-p (string-match "windows" (symbol-name system-type)))
(defvar macosx-p (string-match "darwin" (symbol-name system-type)))

(if mswindows-p
        ;; Windows Execute from dired
        (define-key dired-mode-map "w"
               (lambda ()
                 (setq w32-shellex-no-dired-hook t)
                 (require 'w32-shellex)

(if macosx-p
     ;; Custom code to open browser on Mac OS X
          (setq browse-url-browser-function
            '(lambda (url &optional new-win)
               (do-applescript (concat "open location \""
                           url "\""))))))

Sample code

;; From http://cl-cookbook.sourceforge.net/.emacs

(defun remove-balanced-comments ()
  "Remove a set of Common Lisp balanced comments enclosing point."
  (interactive "*")
    (when (search-backward "#|" nil t)
      (delete-char 2)
      (while (and (< (point) (point-max)) (not (looking-at " *|#")))
      (replace-match ""))))

(defadvice fi:indent-sexp (around indent-defun ())
  "Indent the enclosing defun (or top-level sexp)."

(ad-activate 'fi:indent-sexp)

(defun insert-balanced-comments (arg)
  "Insert a set of Common Lisp balanced comments around the s-expression
  containing point.  If this command is invoked repeatedly (without any
  other command occurring between invocations), the comment region
  progressively moves outward over enclosing expressions."
  (interactive "*p")
    (when (eq last-command this-command)
      (when (search-backward "#|" nil t)
          (delete-char 2)
          (while (and (< (point) (point-max)) (not (looking-at " *|#")))
          (replace-match ""))))
    (while (> arg 0)
      (backward-char 1)
      (cond ((looking-at ")") (incf arg))
            ((looking-at "(") (decf arg))))
    (insert "#|")
    (insert "|#")))